Day 9: Matthew 6:21

As we pray together toward our future home…

Scripture: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Reflect: Our hearts are the core of our trust, security, and passion. Where does your heart naturally gravitate when seeking these things? Reflect on how investing in God’s purposes can redirect your heart toward something greater. Imagine how your generosity can be a powerful declaration of placing trust in Him.

Prayer: “God, help me realign my heart with Your kingdom. May my treasure and my heart be focused on Your work.”

Optional Element: Think about any material things that capture your heart the most. Take a single dollar bill and hold it as a representation of those things. Then, do something symbolic with that dollar—such as setting it aside or giving it away—as an expression of your desire for your heart to be fully God’s.

Week 2 Family Prayer Guide