Pledge status


Pledged donations received: $586,005 of $1,921,877

Initial One-Time gift

Any amount people are willing to give before January 1, 2025 to help jump start the campaign.

18-month pledge

A specific amount to be given over a period of 18 months starting on January 1, 2025.


A family’s total investment is $8,000. They choose to give an initial one-time gift of $3,000 by the end of 2024 and pledge $5,000 to give in 18 monthly installments between January 2025 and June 2026.

Note: Some will give only a one-time initial gift if they are ready to give immediately, others will choose to give over time through the pledge. Families can also choose to do both.


INITIAL ONE-TIME GIFT (to be given by end of 2024)
18 MONTH PLEDGE (total to be given over 18 months from 1/1/25 - 6/30/26, not a monthly amount)
Thank you so much for your commitment to invest in For Austin. We believe stories will be transformed through your generosity. We will follow up with you through email with instructions on how to give.
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Pledge matching

Many companies will match the generosity of employees. Before giving and/or committing to invest in For Austin, check out your company's policy on pledge matching as it can make a huge difference in reaching our goals.



FFE (Furniture, Fixtures, Equipment) for a 65% larger building


Tenant Improvement to build out & complete the space


Reimburse Predevelopment Cost



Through the inititial gift & 18-month pledge.


There are some incredible tax advantages to giving appreciated assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.

Have an IRA?
Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from IRA:
For IRA owners over age 70 1/2, a trustee to trustee transfer directly from one's IRA (up to $100k annually) can be effected without recognizing taxable income.

If you have questions about donating assets, please reach out to us by filling out the questions form below.

Giving Examples

Delaying personal expenses

  • An individual is planning to purchase a car in early 2025. His monthly payment was expected to be $350. He has decided to delay that purchase for 18 months and give $350 a month to ForAustin ($350x18)- $6,300
  • He is also able to give $1,500 from a savings account.
  • He believes through faith that God will also enable him to give another $1,000 over the next 2 years to For Austin.
  • 18 month pledge total: $8,800 = ($350 × 18) + $1,500 + $1,000

Making small budgetary changes

  • A family of 5 is living paycheck to paycheck with no savings. However, after much consideration, they realize that they eat out once a week as a family for a cost of about $75 per meal. They have decided to eat out every other week instead. The dad was also given a $100 a month pay raise. They decide to give $75 of that amount to For Austin each month and use the rest for savings.
  • Savings from not eating out: $150/month
  • Increase from raise: $75/month
  • 18 month pledge total: $4,050 = ($150+$75) x 18

Increased giving with Increased income

Many times bonuses or raises can be anticipated in advance. By choosing to delay lifestyle increases, families can commit this increased income as a part of their pledge with For Austin.